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Congratulations to you too
Congratulations to you too
by John Bradley
A version of The Beatitudes Seeing that there were crowds of people, the Master climbed up a mountain (just like Moses and Elijah had done long before). When he sat down on the grass, his First Team came and sat around him and he gave them some training. This is what he said: “Co…
Sermon on the Mount Trio
Sermon on the Mount Trio
by David Coleman
A trio of spot clips, 1 min in total: Salt of the Earth Light from under a bushel and City on a hill (cannot be hidden). - For a single clip of just City on a Hill - Click Here These things are conveyed with a creative literalism whose intent is that the images should not be mere…
Blessed Beyond- This list
Blessed Beyond- This list
by Kate Abbott
Part of set 'Blessed Beyond' These images can be used as a group of slides in a PowerPoint presentation. This list is a dramatic look at the beatitudes concluding that we are all blessed and using the phrase blessed beyond for those blessings Jesus promises in this scripture. It…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 4 Year A